Sorry if my message was a bit confusing. I'm just under the gun, poring concrete today, finishing a huge HUGE sprinkler project and I was tring to type you a quick email before I ran out the door to return a trencher to the local rental store.
Ultimate chip. I purhcased the ultimate chip from a member on this board. The chip was calibrated for 50lb injectors. I have the stock injectors and I wanted the chip and display to be calibrated for the stock injectors. I sent it to Dave and he may have changed the bin to the stock injectors, but not the display. I"m not sure what he has or has not done. I will send him a message today. Dave's got a lot going on and he had some issues with his laptop so he is not able to burn anymore chips as of now. His home computer is a MAC which will not work with his chip burner. So, that being said, I"m asking you to please burn my stock ultimate chip set up and display. You may only have to burn the display chip.
I currenlty am runing the moates G1 adapter with a 3 bar map, however, I would like to replace this with the ultiamte chip I purchased. I am curently tuning the ultimate bin in my typhoon. I got it to run like a raped ape with the 17.58 psi chip BA2barC bin!
Sorry about the confusion and if I confused you more, please let me know. I have a huge truck pulling in my driveway as I speak....concrete!!
Thank you!