Good source for a copper heater core?


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The only one I could find was from a website called Radiator Express, dunno if theyre legit or a search bait site. The local shops (Autozone,NAPA,etc) only have the cheap aluminum ones.


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The only one I could find a while back they wanted around $400. I honestly don't remember who it was through anymore. I ended up using a Spectra brand heater core.


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Yeah. My AC guy said there was only one place he could get a copper one, for a car he was working on, and it was US made, very expensive, and complete dogshit.

I think the one I replaced in the Blk/Gry Ty I sold was Spectra from SummitRacing. I remember it was difficult to get the silver straps over the end tanks because they were a bit bigger than original. Did you run into that? I think I had to straighten the hose side strap to get it to line up w the bottom screw.

I'm gonna order one from NAPA because that's my best option for now.


Active member
I had a fair amount of fitment issues. The Spectra was the third I tried and it fit nicely and went in easy with very little modification if any. I'm guessing the other two I tried was OReilly or AutoZone. I don't have a NAPA near me so I'm thinking I didn't try them.

The straps were a pain as I didn't pull the dash.