Homecoming Attendance Thread

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New member
Re: Homecoming Attendance Thread

I hope to be there, I have permission

-David Beardsley
Will be in attendance with my GF Cory.


Ty n 10s
Re: Homecoming Attendance Thread

I am planning on being there. Two Tys and 3-4 extra adults.

3 extra large shirts and1 large shirt.

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Still plays with trucks
Re: Homecoming Attendance Thread

Don't forget to give us your shirt size and if you plan to buy more shirts even if a different size.


New member
Re: Homecoming Attendance Thread

How many vehicles did we have at the last Homecoming? Thought it was close to 60? So who was there in 2008 and will not be there in 2010 and WHY NOT? I know Mountain Dew Mike already has an excuse but what about the others? Considering I did not hear or read 1 complaint about the 08 event (with the exception that PA guys kept winning transmissions), I would assume that almost everyone would be a repeat attendee. I'm counting 25 members that posted here that they are attending. How many rooms have been booked vs the 25 on this list.

For those of you on the fence about coming (and did not attend in 08), read the posts from the 08 event and check out the video's. Great time!!! I can't imagine it would be anything less this time around!

See everyone there.

p.s. You don't need a truck to attend or have a good time. I've been to 2 events without my Sy and this will be the 3rd. Fly in, drive a rental, hitch a ride with another member, take a cab, have Scotty beam you over or get Doc Brown's car. Just get yourself there!
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