** READ ME ** SyTy.net Classifieds Rules (Updated 5.13.09)

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New member
SyTy.net is not responsible for any items placed in the classifieds nor is it responsible for the actions of the classified users.

There is now a minimum post count requirement in the following forums
  • Trucks For Sale
  • Parts For Sale
  • Misc Classifieds
Attempting to get around this requirement by posting in an incorrect forum, or by spamming / useless posting, will result in an instant ban of your account as well as your IP address if necessary.

When posting please use the correct forum;
  • Trucks For Sale - Syclone Typhoon & SGT trucks for sale ONLY!
  • Parts For Sale - Syclone Typhoon & SGT parts for sale ONLY!
  • Trucks / Parts Wanted - Any trucks or parts WANTED, Trade post also welcome here.
  • eBay Auctions / Internet Finds - ALL eBay, Craigslist, Autotrader, ect posts here, even non-SyTy related.
  • Misc Classifieds - Sell the stuff to support your SyTy addiction, home items, electronics, tools, computers, ect.
Once your ad sells please post *SOLD* next to the original subject so that it can be deleted.

Be aware of who you are dealing with and ask enough questions to satisfy yourself that you can trust the seller. Get phone numbers as back ups to contact in case of problems.
Most of all know what you are buying, request pictures part numbers colors sizes, whatever is pertinent to the product at hand.

Ads will run for 90 days max. If information from an old classifieds thread is needed, please PM Captain Morgan.

We are still offering the Dog House list as well.
If you had a deal gone wrong we can post a sticky to notify other users of the problem at hand until it gets resolved.


SyTy Registry
Pricing Opinions - EVERYONE READ

Pricing Opinions - EVERYONE READ

To Sellers and Buyers:

Please use discrestion and have respect for people on this forum and keep opinions on pricing to yourself.

If someone is selling an item/truck that you think is priced to high/low, please do not post about it and give your opinion. This has been a problem lately and has caused conflict between sellers and interested buyers.

Posting to a sale thread would include; to find out more information for purchase details, standard information, or helping a sale. If you are not intending to make a purchase, then dont post!

The following examples will not be allowed:

- Conflicting/Interfering with a sale/purchase - Posting the same product for a lower price elsewhere in the same post as the original for example

- Giving your opinion on the item/truck being sold is priced high/low, unless asked to do so by the seller.

- Publicly questioning sellers/buyers with no intent to help the sale/purchase, but just to get your .02 in on what you think overall, unless asked to do so by the seller/buyer.

Anyone caught doing any of the follow above will be warned with possible temporary ban. Selling/buyer an item/truck should be hassle free, so lets show respect for both buyers and sellers on this forum.

Of course, these rules are subject to change without notice. Any posts in question and brought to an Admin's attention will be reviewed and dealt with.

Questions, comments... PM me.
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