Truckless. For now.
To all the members of thinking of buying or selling parts/trucks, or doing business with any Sponsor Vendors or otherwise, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the
Trader Rating System
It is a very simple and effective method for conveying how your recent transaction (buying or selling, private or vendor) went down. The more we utilize this system, the more we can protect each other from bad deals, and the more we can let each other know where to go for parts/services.
The Trader Rating Page:
When you have any sort of transaction with a vendor here, or other member, please give them feedback. How do you do that? Here's how:
Click on their Username to view their profile page. There, you will see on the left, Trader Rating, highlighted in the yellow circle. Click the rating number as indicated by the arrow:
This will take you to their individual Trader Rating page. On this page, you can view their history of transactions with other members, good and/or bad (if people speak up via the Trader Rating System):
When you have finished dealing with someone, and the transaction has been completed, find that users Trader Rating Page and "Submit Feedback" as indicated again by the yellow highlight and arrow:
When you Click Submit Feedback you will be taken to this page:
From there, it's simple to fill in the blanks and submit.
If we all make the effort to use this system, we can help ensure that all memebers and SyTy enthusiasts have the best possible experience when doing business through this forum with other members and vendors.
Thanks. Your friendly Admin/Moderator Team. :tup:
Trader Rating System
It is a very simple and effective method for conveying how your recent transaction (buying or selling, private or vendor) went down. The more we utilize this system, the more we can protect each other from bad deals, and the more we can let each other know where to go for parts/services.
The Trader Rating Page:

When you have any sort of transaction with a vendor here, or other member, please give them feedback. How do you do that? Here's how:
Click on their Username to view their profile page. There, you will see on the left, Trader Rating, highlighted in the yellow circle. Click the rating number as indicated by the arrow:

This will take you to their individual Trader Rating page. On this page, you can view their history of transactions with other members, good and/or bad (if people speak up via the Trader Rating System):

When you have finished dealing with someone, and the transaction has been completed, find that users Trader Rating Page and "Submit Feedback" as indicated again by the yellow highlight and arrow:

When you Click Submit Feedback you will be taken to this page:

From there, it's simple to fill in the blanks and submit.
If we all make the effort to use this system, we can help ensure that all memebers and SyTy enthusiasts have the best possible experience when doing business through this forum with other members and vendors.
Thanks. Your friendly Admin/Moderator Team. :tup: