Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies


Well-known member
Some info that might help someone else trying to run Lil Brodies on a stockish setup:

First the front of the heads that I have are drilled and tapped in one location on the A/C side. This is a problem for running the RPM AC delete bracket. It appears that The mighty mouse/Renzfab bracket will work and I will be picking up one of those here shortly. Here is a picture that shows the lack of holes as well as the next issue.

The next issues is the brackets that support the upper intercooler. I will have to make new brackets to support this as well as keep it attached securely to the TB. The issue may be worked out with a different set of valve covers but the one that I got are from RPM and are pretty awesome.

I was not able to get a good picture of the next issue but it is with the driver side exhaust manifold. I am running head studs on the motor and that seems to cause an issue with how the manifold mounts. The studs are too tall and get in the way. We believe that using bolts will solve this problem but I'm to far along to find out exactly.

you can see above that we used studs and it kind of shows just how tall they are. The turbo side manifold had no fit issues except for needing a manifold spacer to install because it warped.

Lastly there is no hole in the head to run the stock gauge for coolant temp on the dash. Will have to look into this one further.

If you have anymore info that could be helpful please add on anyting that could be of use

Don W.

Stab it and steer it
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

As far as the temp ga goes I'd just do what I did to add a "real" temp ga on the pillar. I think there is enough meat there to go out to the correct size. Just don't over-tighten.


I'm not familiar with these heads exactly but this seems easier and safer than drilling and taping the head. Might have to extend the wire or buy the proper connectors and make an extension.

And what's the block laying on the floor?

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Active member
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

Well, if it helps any, that is one sexy looking set-up :tup:


Active member
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

I remember talking to Hacking a while back about these true custom builds. It seems with Bowtie builds and the above average setups there are so many variables out there that people don't realize until they get in.

Sean Krupa

Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

I'm sure Rob Wyosyclone will chime in. He has a set of New -8 and -10 Brodies.


Well-known member
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

I've got everything figured out for the most part, just have to buy more stuff haha. Just trying to offer up some info for the next guy.

Hey Sean, can you share any part numbers or tricks for putting the coil in your AC delete box?
The coil?map bracket barely clears the valve covers, but the coil rubs so I will have to relocate that somewhere

Sean Krupa

Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

I'll send you the part numbers for the Coil stuff later. Also I used spacers for the coil bracket to clear the valve covers. I still have them if you need em.


Active member
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

I'm sure Rob Wyosyclone will chime in. He has a set of New -8 and -10 Brodies.

I just posted a bunch of pics on my photobucket page (see sig) showing differences between the angle and straight plug Brodies.... if anyone has specific questions just let me know and I'll do what I can....kind of rare to have -8 and -10's in the same place, straight and angle plug.


Well-known member
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

I just posted a bunch of pics on my photobucket page (see sig) showing differences between the angle and straight plug Brodies.... if anyone has specific questions just let me know and I'll do what I can....kind of rare to have -8 and -10's in the same place, straight and angle plug.

That was helpful thanks! I guess you haven't had them installe dbut what spark plugs were you planning on or are you going to run?

Little more info,
I will be running these https://www.summitracing.com/parts/acc-9044c
Combined with these https://www.summitracing.com/parts/tay-2524

I also have my manifold, crossover, downpipe and turbo exhaust housing coated with Swain Tech's white lightning. That stuff is awesome and I think the combination will keep me from changing plug wires all the time.

Don W.

Stab it and steer it
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

Those boots work good. I have them protecting both at the plug and wires in-rout.

Hint: the steel ring that is embedded in one end makes it difficult to get around 90* plug boots. You can remove the ring by working it down to the other end where it just comes out.


Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

Those boots work good. I have them protecting both at the plug and wires in-rout.

Hint: the steel ring that is embedded in one end makes it difficult to get around 90* plug boots. You can remove the ring by working it down to the other end where it just comes out.

Nice hint! I was struggling with this too!


I Love My Ty's
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

Those boots work good. I have them protecting both at the plug and wires in-rout.

Hint: the steel ring that is embedded in one end makes it difficult to get around 90* plug boots. You can remove the ring by working it down to the other end where it just comes out.

I have removed that ring also. I have also used those boots to cover wires/hoses that are near heat sources. With the ring removed they will fit a lot of things. Like you have done.


Well-known member
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

Maybe someone can chime in with this information.

What should the exhaust manifolds be torqued to on aluminum heads? Haven't been able to find that yet.


Active member
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

One half turn before it strips.:rotf:

The manual says 33 ft/lbs (Iron heads though)

Except for the difficulty of correctly drilling out the hole Heli-coils would be nice. I would definitely consider bolt locks. Lots of different kinds out there.

Couple of interesting links:


http://www.mgtd.ca/screw torque.htm

Hey Don
The Brodies are heli-coiled on the exhaust side 👍

Don W.

Stab it and steer it
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

Hey Don
The Brodies are heli-coiled on the exhaust side 👍

That's nice. Didn't know that nor did I have any way to know that since I've never really worked with alum heads. With heli-coils I would think they would hold close to the 33 called for. That and some form of lock. I'd be concerned with the alum head expanding and contracting over time would tend to loosen the bolt otherwise.

I actually found a Brodix site with torque numbers but not for the exhaust side. Hence the two oddball links.



Well-known member
Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

Made a little more progress and there is really no way to make a stock or lokar dipstick work with the current setup. Will be purchasing a Stef's pan here pretty soon and that will fix my last big issue which is running a dipstick.

Here is our fix for the driver side exhaust manifold, I took an exhaust flange, put it on the mill and got it to just under a quarter inch and now there's no fitment issue with the head studs.

Next we tested the crossover to make sure there were no issues. As it sits now I need to purchase the oil pan and it will hopefully be going in pretty soon.

And a big note to anyone, the ceramic coating on the manifolds is pretty awesome. It's swain tech white lightning. A manifold spreader had to be used to get the manifolds back on, if you have to buy an exhaust manifold spreader, buy the NAPA one.


Re: Potentially helpful info for Lil Brodies

have you screwed plugs in with the stock manifolds on?

also, have you surfaced the bottom of the valve covers?